We Save Lives at The Beaufort Women's Center

The phone rang and an anxious voice was at the other end. “I need to make an appointment to come in and have an abortion – I just can’t have this baby”. We explained that we were not an abortion clinic or that we referred or recommended for an abortion but were here to lovingly talk to her about her options and to educate her on the abortion procedures. “Would you like to make an appointment”, the receptionist asked “Yes, but I really need to have an abortion.”

She was not able to come in until the next day and many times when we get a call from an abortion minded woman, we never know if she will show up. As always, we began praying that this client would not change her mind about coming to the Beaufort Women’s Center (BWC).

Praise God, she did come the next day - actually she was early because she wasn’t sure of how to get here and wanted to be sure she didn’t miss her appointment. She arrived with her mother. While they were waiting for the client advocate (CA), both the mother and daughter expressed that she had to have an abortion and that she couldn’t have this baby. The BWC provides abortion alternatives so when searching for abortion providers, the Beaufort Women’s Center will often pop up as an option with “abortion” being the key word. The client mentioned that she found us on the computer along with a list of abortion providers in Charleston and Savannah but thought she would come to us first. Again, I reiterated that we were not an abortion provider.

Normally we do not allow anyone else in the room when we first see a client but in this case, with the mother expressing her desire for the young girl to have an abortion as well, we felt it would be helpful to educate them at the same time on the abortion procedures. Both the mother and the daughter followed the client advocate back to the counseling room. Immediately, we began to pray for this young girl, her mother and the life she was carrying.

The client shared with the CA that she was in the process of getting a divorce and as a result of an evening out drinking she was now pregnant and had no idea who the father was. Additionally, she was trying to rebuild a relationship with a prior boyfriend and didn’t know how could she tell him she was pregnant? Even though she didn’t agree with abortion, she felt she had no other choice but to have one. As the nurse manager was recording medical data the young girl asked, “Is it a baby yet?” “Yes, it is.” “The heart starts beating as early as three weeks.” At that point it was like a light went on; she burst into tears and said, “I can’t kill my baby.” An ultrasound was provided which reaffirmed her decision to parent her child. By this time her mother supported her decision and they were both very excited. Of course, her situation wasn’t going to change but so many times it just takes educating our clients about the developmental stages of their pregnancy to change their mind about terminating their pregnancy, regardless of their situation.

As the counseling proceeded, the conversation led to both the mother and daughter’s spiritual life and before leaving the Center, both of them rededicated their lives to Christ. God is so good, another life was saved and the gospel was shared – that’s what the Beaufort Women’s Center is all about.

Thank you for your support! We wouldn’t be here for those in crisis without you!