Beaufort Women's Center Makes A Difference!

Even though she’d already determined that she was pregnant by a home pregnancy test and had made an appointment at an abortion clinic, she called the Center for pre-abortion counseling and information - The Beaufort Women’s Center calls this a “Divine Appointment” by the way.

She shared with the counselor that she was experiencing financial difficulties and felt she had no other option but to terminate her pregnancy, yet she wanted to get some information before she made a final decision. During her visit she, also, received an ultrasound. Focus on the Family reports that among women at risk for abortion the combined provision of counseling and ultrasound results in nearly 60% more stating decisions for life than with counseling alone. She left the Center that day still undecided about what she was going to do.

Due to the confidentiality of our services, names are not shared with other volunteers and staff but crisis situations are brought to our attention so we can lift them up in prayer. We were told a client that visited our Center was scheduled for an abortion that Saturday so we prayed for her and the life she was carrying all during the week. On Monday she called the Center to say she had changed her mind and had decided to parent.

When we have success stories like the one you’ve just read, its confirmation that through the power of the Holy Spirit the staff and volunteers are fulfilling God’s purpose for which the BWC has been called. It also reminds us how important our donors, volunteers and prayer warriors are - without you, we wouldn’t be able to meet the needs of the women and teens that find themselves lost and without hope.
At our annual fundraising banquet on March 18th we will celebrate our 25th year of serving women, teens and their families in crisis and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. Please join us in prayer that God will supernaturally move the hearts of those attending the banquet – many of them new to the ministry – to give generously to the Beaufort Women’s Center so we can fulfill the legacy for which it has been called.

Donna McLean, Executive Director
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