Super Bowl Pro Life Ad Controversy

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Have you been following the controversy about the pro-life ad featuring Quarterback Tim Tebow that Focus on the Family intends to air during the Super Bowl? Well, the ad has a number of abortion advocacy groups really upset because it features the decision of Tim’s mom to carry her pregnancy with Tim to term against all odds. In fact, the controversy has gotten even more heated when this morning on Fox News these groups attacked the work of pregnancy centers!  Care Net was quick to respond. Below is our press release and a link to where you can watch the Fox News clip on Youtube.  This just goes to show that pregnancy centers are making an impact in helping to save lives and heal hearts. Thanks for your support in helping to make this happen!  

Care Net would love to hear your thoughts on this story on our Inspire Life blog

The Care Net Team

CONTACT: Kristin Hansen, (703) 554-8742


LANSDOWNE, VA – Care Net, a national network of 1,180 pregnancy centers that provide free support to pregnant women, was drawn into the Tebow Super Bowl ad controversy when opponents attacked the charities Friday on Fox News.  Watch the Fox clip here

Care Net President Melinda Delahoyde said the criticisms by women’s advocacy groups are “nonsensical,” particularly as pregnancy centers provide free services to 1.9 million people every year.  

“We’re scratching our heads as to why anyone would attack Pam Tebow’s courageous story or hinder a message of hope to other women facing similar circumstances,” said Delahoyde.  “As an organization that helps provide support to women with difficult or unplanned pregnancies, Care Net is even more confused why any group advocating for women would criticize the compassionate, practical help offered by our nation’s pregnancy centers. 

“Part of the reason why our country is increasingly pro-life is because of the positive, volunteer-led work of pregnancy centers in communities across the country.  Focus on the Family, the ad sponsor, has come alongside pregnancy centers for years with resources to empower women to make an informed pregnancy decision. Attacking such charitable help is not only nonsensical but also very much out of step with a majority of the American people.  

Jehmu Greene, president of the Women’s Media Center, said the following on Fox News about Focus on the Family’s contributions to pregnancy centers: “This organization has supported fake crisis pregnancy centers that provide medical misinformation; they provide negative pregnancy tests; they provide fake ultrasounds…”  

Delahoyde continued, “These are common accusations that abortion advocacy groups have been using for years, and they couldn’t be further from the truth.  Organizations like Care Net provide training and oversight to pregnancy centers to ensure that services are offered with professionalism and integrity.  When you hear the stories of women that have been helped by pregnancy centers, when you visit your local centers and meet the volunteers who serve there, it’s clear that these are false accusations meant to deter women from visiting us for help. 

“Pregnancy centers serve women like Pam Tebow every day - women who bravely choose to carry their pregnancy to term against the odds. Their courageous stories are an inspiration to us all.”

For more information about the work of pregnancy centers, visit Care Net’s Inspire Life website 
1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Yes- I have been foloowing the Tim Tebow story. Interesting how these feminists are for "Choice" until "Choice" leads to life and not abortion. What hypocrits. BTW- Have you seen the new film: Maafa21? it is 2 hour documentary which exposes Planned Parenthood for Black Genocide. VERY GOOD! Check it out: